The Members page is a secure area of our website only accessible by our CLCC members and requires a login and password to gain access. Please follow the instructions below to sign-up.
Members with no Login Credentials
If you are a member in good standing and have paid your dues; please submit your contact information below so we can easily identify you as a valid CLCC member. After you submit, you will be re-directed to a SIGN-UP page where you can setup your LOGIN credentials to gain access to the secure members only pages.
Important: please enter the email address you used to pay dues .
Members with Login Credentials
If you have already submitted contact information, please click the Login/Sign Up button below and you will be re-directed to the Login page OR if you are already logged in you should see your email address in the button below and can now access the members page directly.
NOTE: You should always log off after you are finished viewing the site